Graphics fileformats & Protocol Specifications

3D2_FORM.ZIP Stereo CAD 2.0 communications pipeline specs
3DDXF.ZIP Minimum requirements for creating a DXF file of a 3d model
3DS1.ZIP 3D Studio File Format (3ds)
ACR_NEMA.ZIP ACR/NEMA standard info (medical images)
ANIM7.ZIP Anim, an IFF format for cell animation's
ANMFORMT.ZIP Deluxepaint animation (anm) file format + sample code
ANSI1.ZIP ANSI code command reference list
ANSIX364.ZIP ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences for Video Terminals
APPNOTE.ZIP General Format of a ZIP file
ARCNEMA.ZIP Info on the ACR/NEMA image standard
AUTODESK.ZIP Animator PRO fileformats
BIFF.ZIP "BIFF" file format, the format used in the XITE system. XITE - X-based Image processing Tools and Environment
BMP.ZIP BMP (bitmap) graphics file format specification
BYU1.ZIP BYU format
CGM.ZIP Computer graphics metafile (CGM) information
DRAFT-1.ZIP PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification Version 0.95
DVM_FORM.ZIP DVM movie file format (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1) specification
DXF.ZIP Specifications for the DXF file format
DXF_R12_.ZIP .DXF R12 fileformat
DXF_SPEC.ZIP AutoCAD Drawing Interchange (DXF) file format specification
ENFF_F1.ZIP Extensions of the Neutral File Format
FACE.ZIP FaceSaver File Format
FITS1.ZIP Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
FITSD.ZIP FITS graphics formats spec.
FLCSPC.ZIP Animator Pro File Formats
FLI_FLC.ZIP Autodesk animator flic files (FLI/FLC) description
FLIFOR.ZIP Description of the FLI file format
FLIFORM.ZIP FLI fileformat
GIF.ZIP GIF specifications
GIF87A.ZIP Graphics interchange format (GIF) specification
GIF89A.ZIP GIF89a specification
GKS.ZIP Graphics kernel system (GKS) information
GLINFO.ZIP Description on GRASP fileformat
GRAPHFRM.ZIP Picture file formats
GRIP_V2.ZIP GRIP, Graphical Rendition Interchange Protocol format specifications, Version 2
HPGL.ZIP Hewlett-Packard graphics language (HPGL) information
HPGLP.ZIP Where to get hold of HPGL fileformat
IFF.ZIP "E.A. IFF 85" standard for interchange format files
IFFD.ZIP IFF specifications
IFFDOCS.ZIP IFF fileformat documentation
IGESP.ZIP Where to get hold of IGES fileformat
JFIF.ZIP JPEG File Interchange Format
JPEGP.ZIP JPEG fileformat documents
KODAK_IC.ZIP Kodak ICC image file format
LANDSAT.ZIP Satellite image data format - Landsat Thematic Mapper
MGF_FO1.ZIP Materials and geometry format
NAPLPS.ZIP NALPS online graphics standard
NFF_FO1.ZIP Neutral File Format
NISTINFO.ZIP Nist sphere headers structure
NITF.ZIP National Imagery Transmission Format info
OBJ_FO1.ZIP Object Files (.obj) as used in Wavefront's Advanced Visualizer.
OFFD.ZIP OFF - A 3D object fileformat
OOGL_F1.ZIP OOGL - File formats for OOGL geometric objects
PCX2D.ZIP PCX graphics fileformat
PCXD.ZIP PCX fileformat
PDS_FORM.ZIP Overview of PDS image format
PGCSPEC.ZIP PGC Portfolio graphics file spec.
PGM.ZIP pgm - portable graymap file format
PICTURE.ZIP Atari ST picture file formats
PLY_FO1.ZIP The PLY Polygon File Format
PNG9DOC.ZIP PNG specification in Word for Windows format
PNGEXTE2.ZIP PNG Special-Purpose Public Chunks
POL_PS.ZIP PostScript file of the POL 3D file format specification
PS16FORM.ZIP PAS 16 file format w/asm source
RENDERMA.ZIP RenderMAN Interface 3.0 information
RIPSC154.ZIP RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification "Remote Imaging Protocol"
RLE.ZIP Design of the utah rle format
SCENE.ZIP Scene file format (3D) draft info - 15 Aug 1994
SGIIMA1.ZIP The SGI Image File Format
SLD.ZIP AutoCAD Slide File Format
SUNRASTE.ZIP SUN rasterfile format
T3D_DOC1.ZIP Imagine 3.0 Object File Format
T3D_DOC2.ZIP Imagine 3.0 Texture File Format
TARGA.ZIP The TARGA fileformat
TARGA_20.ZIP Targa (TGA) 2.0 specification information
TGA2ICON.ZIP 24-bit Targa graphicfile to assembler converter
TIFF.ZIP TIFF (tag image file format)
TIFF_40.ZIP Tagged image file format (TIFF) 4.0 specification
TIFF_50.ZIP Tagged image file format (TIFF) 5.0 specification
TIFF_F.ZIP TIFF class F specification
TIFF2.ZIP More on the TIFF graphic format
TIFF6_PS.ZIP Tagged image file format (TIFF) 6.0 specification
TIFFAX.ZIP The spririt of TIFF class F
TIFFDOC.ZIP TIFF graphics fileformat spec.
TIFFJPEG.ZIP DRAFT TIFF Technical Note #2....17-Mar-95
TURBO_SI.ZIP Description of Turbo Silver Object format
TURBOSIL.ZIP Turbo Silver chunk descriptions
WAVEFRON.ZIP Wavefront object format
VESASP12.ZIP VESA BIOS Extension 1.2 specification
VICAR2.ZIP VICAR2 image file format + info
WPG_FORM.ZIP WordPerfect graphics file (WPG) format information
VRML1.ZIP VRML, The Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VUE.ZIP Autodesk 3D Studio .VUE file format
XGA_INFO.ZIP XGA, a new graphic standard
XWD1.ZIP XWD - X Window Dump
YAODL_1.ZIP YAODL - the 3D data format used by the powerflip demo